Thursday, April 1, 2010

Five kinds of Speakers July 2009 PSASA

Presidential Posting by Gustav Gous

From Arizona to Emperor’s

Posted from the mother of all speakers Conventions: The NSA in Phoenix, Arizona. Speakers from many cultures joined the Americans in their annual convention. The message was clear: KEEP IT REAL. Let’s all go beyond the fake and beyond just selling time. Let’s go for real transformation.
An Australian shared the following: One of their PSA Chapters previously had 600 members. Now in the midst of the worldwide economic crunch, they have only 300+ members. When I asked what happened, he said: “When the tide went out it became evident who swam without cozzies (swimsuits)”. The longevity of a speaker is determined by two things: Great speaking content and the ability to run a good business.
In South Africa we have thus far had minimal resignations and more people joining at a regular rate. But it is important that we be prepared for any eventuality and not be caught with our swimsuits around our ankles and our bikini tops around our necks. The purpose of our association is to prepare us to weather any storm and to be men and women for all seasons.
Only the truly transformational speakers will survive in the long run. Speaking of which: There are five kinds of speakers.

1. The Victim. They fake and talk big but in private they blame their lack of success on external circumstances like the economic downturn.

2. The Informational speaker: They follow the ‘Jug and the Mug’ method. They polish their image as the wise sage and see their task as to empty their beautiful content into the receptive minds of the lesser mortals down there. It’s all about them. They show the theoretical way but do not go the way. All talk, no walk.
Twitter killed one or two of those during the break-away sessions in Arizona: Some of the rooms emptied while others filled up during the parallel presentations. Why? Because participants were Twittering/ Tweeting each other: ‘My session is boring, how is yours?’ Reply: ‘Great. Come over. We’re in the Grand Canyon Room.’

3. The Manipulator: At least they are not victims. They take control. They get bookings because they can manipulate their environment. It’s all about power play: The thrill is to overpower their audiences (sometimes even bullying them) with their strong personalities. Lots of audience participation (read manipulation) like jumping on chairs, forcing people to do irrelevant actions, sometimes even humiliating individuals who oppose them.

4. The Motivational/ Inspirational speakers: More advanced, they serve as channels of contagious energy. They ignite the fire of inspiration and motivate to action. But the energy fades after a while because they don’t always know how to facilitate lasting change.

5. The Transformational speakers: They bring about change because of what they are. The can keep it real because they are real. They know that they must not only facilitate behaviour change, but must take people from one state of being, to a better state of being. They create amazing audience experiences: Change zones where you know your life will never be the same again.

The speakers who made the biggest impression in Arizona were the real people who went beyond the fake of trying to sell an image. They shared true life experience (real content) with all the successes and failures attached to it.
One speaker, Keith Ferrazzi, had a refreshing new angle during his plenary session at the NSA. His book is not another selfhelp book but a ‘others help you book’. Title: “Who’s got your back”: Who are the three people you allow to give the right to help you, defend you, but also to critique you in order to grow.

A real friend will tell when you screw up. PSASA Mastermind groups can serve this purpose and help us to become our best. A mastermind is “An originator, someone who creates new things”. Create a PSASA Mastermind group in your area to recreate yourself, your business and presentations.
I want to coin a new phrase. Let’s all commit to be “Transforming Speakers”: (1) Speakers who transform the world. (2) Speakers who transform themselves to become the REAL person you are destined to be.
The PSASA is your home to help you in this process. Our next convention is at Emperor’s Palace next year where we will focus on the real game we all play: Not the game of Soccer or the game of Business but the overarching Game of Life. Read all about it elsewhere in the newsletter.
Until then, let’s enjoy our chapter meetings and mastermind groups.
Dr Gustav Gous
President: PSASA

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