Had a brush with death lately? I’m glad to hear. You got your golden ticket …!
Now make the most of your close encounter with death …
dr Gustav Gous
Had a brush with death lately? I’m glad to hear! Haven’t? I
hope you have one soon! Because it can be
the best thing that happened to you ….
We all have our close encounter with death – those situations
that we survive miraculouslyI had one this week – hence this blog. And it was
not the first time in my life. I was
almost off the field, not being able to continue to play game of life. . I would love to hear your story of your close-encounter
with death story. But even more I would
like you hear what you made of it …
I hope you didn’t just brush it off? Heaven forbid. There is an embedded message and you must head
the call. My one friend Barry always said: The small accidents help you to prevent
the bigger ones – if you learn from them!
Bredan Burchard is known for his story where he survived a
motor crash, and in a split second asked: Did I live, did I love, did I
matter? He realised he couldn’t answer
this affirmatively and re-organised his life to be in a position to be able to
answer these questions affirmatively. He also realized he got a golden ticket
on that day – just like in the idols competitions.
You golden ticket admits you to continue life. It admits you to the next round. You are
still on the stage. Now rewrite the story to stop playing a tragedy, of a
victim story, but rewrite the stars and start playing a love store or a
come-back-from-behind story.
Brendon headed the wake-up call and re-organised his life - and a man with 60 million hits on his YouTube videos, can now claim to make a difference.
After your near hit,
(yes, rather a near hit, than a near miss!) , you realise you are still on the
field. You can now have the opportunity to change your game plan.
You have a second chance, an second half.
Unfortunately not all people use it, but some do. Bob Buford, when confronted with the harsh
reality of death - the death of his son
- called out half time and changed his
game plan. This is also the titles of his two books: Half Time and Game Plan.
This week, after another close encounter with death in my
own life, I was just so happy that I am still alive, and here is my few
suggestions how to make the most of your
close brush with death:
What not to do:
- - Don’t fall into the trap of survival guilt. Be
grateful that you are still alive. Honour the dead by picking up the baton the
people you loved dropped and live passionately
forward, also in their honour
- - Resist a sorry that I exist attitude – you got
the chance – the ticket. The fact that somebody else didn’t get it, is not to
say that you must not use your golden ticket.
- - Don’t live in fear that it can happen again,
this time with final consequences. Come to term with your mortality. All of us
will die eventually. All cancer survivors and motor car crash survivors die
eventually. Decide to at least live
fully, until that day.
What to do:
Use the opportunity, to redefine your values.
Realize what is important, is important, and what is unimportant is
unimportant. Those were the words of my dad after he survived cancer once.
See purpose in the fact that you survived.
Press the reset button, and find a new
purpose in the new situation or chapter in your life
Reorganise your life to give structure and
action to your new-found opportunity. The you will look back after a few more
years and can say the you heeded the call, and is now better off after getting
the wake-up call. Implement your new plans and show results
Enjoy every day alive- live intensely and
intentionally. Live as if every day is
your last, and plan as if you are going to live for a very long time.
Share your story with other people – so that
they can learn from your experience. Intelligent people learn from their own
experience, wise people from the experience and stories of others. Not all will
learn, but some will …
Use your golden
If you want more information on corporate interventions or how to make counselling/coaching appointments or book dr Gustav Gous for motivational talks, contact admin@gustavgous.co.za
If you want interventions for your team: Contact +27 12 3455931 0r 0845138312 (Speak to Karen) or email gustav@gustavgous.co.za to discuss possibilities.
Disclaimer: Important notice to you as the reader: Although the life coach (dr Gustav Gous) provide certain recommendations, the sole and final responsibility for decision-making remains your own and that the life coach or anybody associated to him and his company Short Walk Seminars Pty Ltd cannot be held responsible for any of your choices and reactions. You, the reader, must take full responsibility for your life, reactions and choices.
Dr Gustav Gous is an International Motivational Speaker and Executive Life Coach with experience on 5 continents. He
was the in-house counselor for the petro-chemical company Sasol for 9 years. He is known for his Transformational leadership programmes on Robben Island, titled the “Short Walk to Freedom”.
He is a Certified Speaking Professional (CSP) and past President of the Professional Speakers Association of Southern Africa and a member of the APSS (Asia Professional Speakers Singapore). Currently he is heading up the Diversity Intelligence Institute, specializing in rolling out Diversity Intelligence interventions for
international companies. His leadership caps does for leadership what De Bono's thinking hats did for creativity and problem solving. His Coaching programme on national Radio in South Africa RSG FM 100-104 "Fiks vir die lewe" touches the lives of many South Africans. gustav@gustavgous.co.za drgous@iafrica.com www.gustavgous.co.za , www.diviin.com ,
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